Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Hey Fellow Amandaflys’ Blog Readers!! I haven’t been blogging much lately; nothing that hasn’t happened recently was remotely interesting. I wanted to blog about Gettysburg but I couldn’t find the time. Now that I have found the time I will talk about it.

Last week I went to Gettysburg with the Scotty Group and my friend Brook.

We arrived at the camp late on Friday night and toasted marshmallows. I burned my hand in the fire but other than that it was all good. Since Brook walked into a spider web, we had to take showers and go to bed.

On Saturday morning, we woke up and make Sticky buns.

After eating the sticky buns, my family, Brook, and I ventured out to The Gettysburg National Military Park and Visitor Center.

While there we explored the museum and looked at the Cyclorama. My dad and I took great pictures of everything there. (Click Here to see the pictures) After leaving the museum, we walked the Battlefield. There was so much to see. There was the fence, a fence that was distinct in its own way. The fence was shown in the Cyclorama and in the movie and the museum. I got to see the real original fence up close in person. I never thought something as plain and ordinary as a fence could have such a great impact on a person. More than 100 years ago, People had died on this fence and I got to take pictures of it and touch it with my very own fingers. It was an experience I will not soon forget.

After exploring the Battlefield, We got to go to a four story teddy bear factory. I’ve never seen so many bears in one building. I had left my camera in the car so I couldn’t take any pictures. Click here for the website. After the bear factory we went back to camp.

Sunday morning, we went to a huge candy shop. It was known as Mister Ed’s Elephant Museum. It had so many statues of elephants. They also sold fresh roasted peanuts. They tasted so good. I didn’t get any pictures but I found their website, Click Here.

After that we traveled home. It was about a four hour car ride.

Next week, I have finals in school. I hope I am ready.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Breif Summary of This Week.

What better time to write a blog than 1:30 AM? I don’t know so that is why I am writing this at this hour.

This week was extra short but sort of depressing. On Monday, I had literary club. I was sick then so when I got of the after school bus, I threw up. It was a good thing no one saw but I still had to walk home after that. I decided not to go to school on Tuesday because I was so sick. Now I am in great health.

On Wednesday, I had a math test. I got my grade for that and it was a B+. I am happy with the grade I received. I also had a reading test on Wednesday which I haven’t seen my grade for yet.

Because nothing interesting happened on Thursday (except the fact that I had a substitute teacher with a semi-Northern Irish accent), I will skip to today. In reading class we got cupcakes (THANKS LAUREN!!!!!!). At 8, I went ice skating. Nobody told me that they changed the time the ice rink had session to 7 to 9 instead of 8 to 10. After my unexpectedly shortened time away, I went to Heather’s house. Her, her brother, two of her neighbors were there. We had a fun time. I went home around 10:15. It was a nice night.

This Sunday is Mothers’ Day. Please do something nice for your moms.

This week I have a school field trip, a huge Spanish presentation, and a chorus concert Click Here to read the plans for my spanish presentation.

Now I think I will go to bed because it is so late. Good night all you people who care about my life.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Haven't Blogged in a while!

I can’t believe that it has been so long since my last post! I have done so much in the past two weeks that i can’t even remember it in detail but I’ll try.

Easter weekend i went to see my cousins in Ohio for the day. We only stayed for a few hours but we still had fun.

Last weekend, my family and I attended The 19 annual Mason-Dixon Ramp Festival.(If you are interested: here is an article from last year’s ramp festival) A ramp is a wild onion native in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. During the trip, I tried numerous different foods all having something to do with ramps. Most of it tasted weird in a good way.
Well there was a no-detailed blog about the last two weeks of my life. I probably won’t be able to make a vLog anytime soon because my camera broke and i cant find the charger for my other camera. Sigh. Well later guys.
I like this Picture

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Weekend in Washington D.C.

Hey Everybody! I’m really really sorry for not blogging in a week, for I try to blog every three days. Nothing interesting happened during the week so I didn’t have anything to talk about in this blog.

This weekend I went to Washington D.C. We stayed at Rogers’ Farm, which the farm owners kindly let us and our large group camp. We were with The Wally Byam Caravan Club International. We had a lot of fun camping with them.

We arrived at the farm Friday morning at midnight. When we woke up we found that we were the first people awake and sat in the big tent alone. When the others started awaking, we had breakfast with them. After breakfast, my family and I traveled to the National Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, where we saw a lot of cool exhibits. We sent about an hour there before heading back to camp. That night, we had a pot luck dinner which had a lot of good food. After that, there was square dancing but some other kids and I played hide-and-go-seek.

On Saturday, we woke up later so we were not the first ones to breakfast. I had like forty grapes and some juice for breakfast. After that we went into the city and saw my aunt. She lives in D.C. We only got to be at her house for about 30 minutes because we had to get back to the camp for an art contest. I entered a series of three paintings that I call “The Tall Men.” I didn’t know about the criteria and because of that I didn’t win. The painting wasn’t finished to its full potential so I am still working on it. There was a tour of homes and we got to see all the other Airstreams. After that was happy hour and then a catered dinner. For happy hour, one of the campers dressed up as a clown and did a clown show, it was a lot of fun. The dinner was ribs and chicken and it tasted goooood!!!!! That night we played hide-and-seek-tag before watching Bridge To Teribithia, in my brother and my friends’ trailer.

On Sunday it was time to depart. We stopped at Bob Evans during our four hour long journey home. The food was very good. Our waiter wasn’t the best but he got better as the duration of the stay at the restaurant went on. He said some funny stuff while I was texting my friend about him. I was laughing so hard that Coke squirted out of my nose onto the waiter. It was hilarious.

If you want to see pictures from the rally click here.

I guess I’ll wrap up this super detailed blog because nothing interesting happened today. I have a science test tomorrow so wish me luck on that. Anyway, expect a blog on Thursday or Friday.

Later Fellow Bloggers.

Monday, March 30, 2009

My Weekend.

Well I know I haven’t written anything in over a week but my computer was down when I expected to have a blog up. The USB wifi card for my laptop broke literally in half. It was a depressing five days without it. During that week, I went outside a lot and had a lot of fun. That’s about it for the weekdays.

On Saturday, I went to Downtown Pittsburgh, to babysit my cousins. I love going to see them because of how fun it is. We played outside in their backyard almost the whole time. I got beat in soccer by a six year old (LOL). After we left from watching the kids, we went to BestBuy, Kohls, Famous Footwear, and Michaels. I got stuff for our camping trip for next weekend. If you don’t know, I am going camping outside of Washington D.C. I’ve been to Washington D.C. before but never to the area I will be going to. On Sunday, my family and I went to JoAnn fabric store to get fabric (DUH). We had to go to two different locations just to find enough of the fabric style we liked. When we got to the second store, the style that we like was “damaged” (it got wet in like one corner and it didn’t look any different). The damages gave us a huge discount which made us very happy. When we got home from the fabric store, I traveled to my friend’s house. We walked down the street to pick up our other friend. The three of us played basketball. I had a ton of fun with them. After I came home from Heather’s house, I help my mom use the fabric we bought to sew curtains. The curtains will go in our trailer which we will use next weekend on our trip. I have been sewing pretty much ever sisnce then.

Today, I stayed after school for literary club and we went to the principal’s office to talk to them about a program we are going to start at school. It will be called “Poem in my Pocket.” We will give out prizes to people we find with poems in their pockets. I didn’t get to update DailyBooth today so I’ll have two pictures tomorrow.

I think I’m going to go to bed soon so I’ll wrap this up. I’ll have a new blog hopefully on Thursday or Friday. Bye strange stalker-ish person who cares about what I did all weekend.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Random Blog Because I Felt Like It

Well I think I owe you all a nice short post on here. Now really that much has happened in the past 5 days since I wrote last. I’m almost done with the first book in the twilight series and I cannot wait to start the second book. Today, I went to Target to look at a desk for my room. I didn’t find one so I still don’t have a desk. I got the We the Kings CD, a new soccer ball (football if you’re European), and the Twilight DVD. My brother and I watched half of the movie before going outside to play soccer and football.

Today was a sad day because my friends’ dog died. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I think I’ll end this paragraph now.

I got extremely excited after reading Jon’s comment on my last blog. If you don’t know, Jon is the creator of DailyBooth (the best site ever). So thanks for the comment Jon!!!!!!!

I’m trying to get back into blogging more because it’s more fun then having to tell your thoughts in front of a camera for the world to see.

I’ll be back again on hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday. Later Guys!

Video of the week!!! (you can give suggestions for it...)

Visit me on YouTube!